
Digital legacy presented at TED Global 2011

Adam Ostrow, the editor-in-chief of Mashable, presented After your final status update last month at TED Global 2011. We’re pleased that the topic of digital legacy is getting attention on a respected, global stage. Adam mentions several services listed on our site, including 1000Memories and If I Die.

Adam’s vision for the potential future of interacting with our digital content as a true representation of self is exactly one of our reasons for advocating that users plan for the future of their digital content. I highly recommend that you take a five minutes and watch his presentation.

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One Response to Digital legacy presented at TED Global 2011

  1. Alfons Boltjes February 1, 2012 at 10:03 am #

    Dear Adam and others,

    Have you had a change to look at Here you can completely build, share, maintain and keep your life. After passing away we build your biography and timeline and keep it online until eternity.

    Feel free to contact us for more information.

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