
Living online forever? What the UK thinks about it.

Here’s a fascinating infographic out of the UK. Not surprisingly, only 20% had considered what would happen to their online profiles after they died. The YouGov survey, conducted on behalf of Perfect Choice Funeral Plans, found that 45% of 18-24 year-olds would prefer their profiles to remain online but only 25% of over 55s felt the same.

Check out the full findings in this infographic.



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One Response to Living online forever? What the UK thinks about it.

  1. Norman Griesdorf September 15, 2013 at 9:06 am #

    As a solicitor practicing in Ontario, Canada I advise clients about estate management and the need to deal with digital assets.

    Your contact information about closing and dealing with deceased’s social accounts is useful.

    Hopefully you will keep up this stream and let us know what new developments you may find.

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